When I first started working from home with my MLM business here are some comments I got and they're pretty common...
"You're doing a pyramid thing...right?"
"Oh, so that's a pyramid thingamabob?
"I don't want anything to do with a triangle."
These comments kind of freaked me out and burst my bubble. I even doubted myself a time or two. So I researched pyramid schemes and MLM companies because what if I was fooled? A pyramid is illegal and MLM companies that are schemes get shut down because they are pushing a business with NO product. A pyramid scheme wouldn't be legal for 51 years like the company I chose.
Here's my advise to you, while I sip on a fat free mocha latte....don't try to change the person's mind. Move on. A very motivational upline of mine said to remember this phrase, W.O.W. (with or without you) They'll come around when they see you being successful. Your not in the business of changing people's mind. Also, don't dwell on these type of comments or you'll just attract more of them. The whole "Secret" concept.
I'd love to hear more comments on how to deal with these negative comments but this is not a forum for pushing your MLM company. It's a forum to learn how to be successful with the company you are with and to learn from those in the business.
An online cafe for moms trying to run a successful MLM business or searching for a business.